Why is a travel size hand cream the best gift this season?
You know the holidays are right around the corner. You’ll see – they will be here before you know it. Its time to think about gifts and stocking stuffers for your loved ones – but this year, things will be a little different. Instead of focusing on luxuries, people will be focusing on practical and useful gifts more than ever.
Every person, man or woman loves some self indulgence and certainly having health skin is part of this. Those men and women who have worked on the front line, are essential workers, or who have been challenged in one way or another over this year’s new “normal” are in need of some care and pampering.
Hand lotions and beauty products have always been on the top list of holiday gifts, but this year we need products that really deliver. Traditional hand lotions, although can feel really luxurious and smell incredible, do not help in healing and recovering dry, cracked skin. A hand lotion that might cost you $50 will give the skin a temporary solution and feel moisturized – but overtime, the skin will produce less natural oils in response to the added moisture and the hands will result in feeling much dryer.
This holiday season, or for any birthdays coming up, a travel size hand cream like Gloves In A Bottle is going to be the most precious of gifts. To show your appreciation to the hands of someone you love – for all that they do. Whether it be changing the tyres on the car, to preparing dinner and cleaning up, to helping the sick in hospital, or changing nappies all day – whatever you are doing, your hands are being challenged more than ever.
A travel size hand cream is essential to keep in your car, your handbag, or store away at your place of work. To ensure that each time you wash your hands, you apply a small amount of this shielding lotion to protect those precious hands for the rest of the day.