Sports + Outdoor Activity

The Great Outdoors
We all love to be outdoors – it’s just part of human nature. We also think we are invincible to the elements, when in fact we are not. Our skin plays an important role in protecting our bodies from harm - such as from exposure to the sun, chlorine and even over-exposure to water. But the skin can only take so much abuse. This is where a shielding lotion is necessary to act like a second-skin that reinforces the skin’s protective barrier.

Are You a Swimmer, or Just Love the Water?
Being in the water a lot can be a part of your life or a luxury you will not give up - and that is absolutely fine! However, your skin loses moisture quickly when you are constantly in water and can dry-out rapidly when exposed to chlorine.
If you frequent fishing, you may wear a pair of gloves to protect your hands from sharp equipment or just to keep them out of water; however, it's inevitable that your hands are still mostly wet. Long periods of wet hands is going to lead to dry skin. If you happen to love swimming laps, your body is exposed to chlorine which can quickly suck the moisture from your skin. Whatever the hobby, it is important to include Gloves In A Bottle to your routine. The primary purpose of this shielding lotion is to protect your skin by creating an invisible shield, with your outermost layer of skin, that blocks irritants out and locks in natural moisture.

UV Exposure Is a Serious Factor
Being outdoors is great until you realize the damage the sun can cause - from dehydrating your skin to speeding up aging and burning your delicately beautiful skin. If you choose our SPF formulation, you are getting the secondary benefit of sun protection. Including SPF15, Gloves In A Bottle can also shield you from the harsh sun. Don’t leave home without it.