Cracked fingers – Gloves In A Bottle

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Cracked Fingers

Cracked skin is usually accompanied by other dry skin symptoms, with one symptom often leading to another. For instance, dryness can lead to scaling, scaling can cause itchiness, itching can lead to scratching, scratching can cause inflammation and small tears that can develop into fissures (cracks), and these can lead to further irritation. Treating dry, injured or cracked skin promptly and diligently can help break this cycle.

Causes of Cracked Skin

Dry skin and cracked skin can be caused by diet, excessively dry or cold weather, dermatitis, hormonal imbalance, allergies and other skin and health disorders. Other causes of cracked skin include alcohol exposure as well as other irritants and allergens. In cases of deep fissures, cracked skin can lead to infections. In rare cases, if left untreated, skin infections can become systemic and even life-threatening.

Treatment for Cracked Skin

As cracked skin is symptomatic of other conditions, you should see a physician or dermatologist to determine the exact cause. When the cause is dry skin, simply treating the dry skin condition is sufficient to resolve the cracked skin problem. The affected skin should be cleaned thoroughly and good shielding lotion applied. The shielding lotion helps the skin retain its own natural moisture while locking out irritants and allergens that could further harm the skin.

Real Testimonials

RN Supervisor, 16 hour weekend shifts

This product is remarkable. I had resorted to Crazy Gluing my cracked fingertips together. All of the advice for fixing cracked skin on the hands is to avoid washing them. Try doing that as a nurse! One application of this immediately removes every snag and dead bit of skin that sticks up and tears. Within three days my hands were almost healed. I have been through Working Hands, Eucerin, Phytoplex – you name it, I’ve tried it. I will never be without this product. I have a pump bottle for my nursing bag and will buy another for home use, as well as a small one for my purse."

- Susan J Bartmon

Very Good Quality and Different

"As a guy who hates greasy residue from greasy products i would only point out that gloves in a bottle is the least greasy lotion that works. From my experience, example is back of hands, put on a generous amount, rub it in, wait 10 minutes, rub a bit more. After that you can wipe off any excess. It absorbs well but it much less greasy. I will order again. Bravo."

- Mark Samson

Actually My Husband Loves It

"My husband was having to do some engine work on his truck so he asked me to buy this for him. I thought he was crazy since I had never heard of anything like this before. Anyway, you put it on your hands like normal hand lotion and when you have to do something that is really going to get you hands grimy, this stuff allows you to wash your hands without and residual dirt from getting around you finger nails and other parts that tend to attract and retain dirt. I found I like it too when working out in the yard so I would have to say I would recommend to anyone who is going to be getting their hands dirty."

- S Joneson

My Fingers Crack & Split Open

"I am an avid cross-stitcher but had to give it up for long periods of time as I am allergic to most needles. It was very upsetting to have to stop stitching as I love to do it. My fingers that held the needle would crack and split open and even start bleeding. I had no choice but to stop and wait for them to heal then begin again. Shortly after starting stitching my fingers would again crack and bleed. I was desperate but saw an ad for your product in a magazine and decided to try it. It seemed like it would form a protective barrier between my skin and the needle and indeed it did. Each time before I begin stitching I rub Gloves In A Bottle onto the fingers I use to hold the needle and I can sew for hours with no damage to my fingers. I am so grateful to be able to sew again thanks to your wonderful product.”

- Nancy Timmons

Using Gloves In A Bottle While Quilting Helps Tremendously

“I found that using Gloves In A Bottle while quilting helps tremendously – my dry cuticles are smoothed out and don’t snag the delicate fabrics, as well as the rest of my hands are very smooth and it is much easier to work. Also, as the lotion holds your moisture inside and is not greasy at all – hands don’t sweat and aren’t slippery, while being protected. It’s a true find!”

- Vicki Schwartz

Cracked Fingertips

"I wanted to inform you of how this product has done wonders for a skin problem that I have been fighting with for a couple of years. The skin on the tips of my fingers, on both hands were cracking severely regardless of the various attempts I made to soften the skin and/or to apply medication to heal the cracks. My fingers were so bad that at times I had extreme difficulties buttoning my clothes or holding on to small items such as pencils, screwdrivers, etc. I started using Gloves In A Bottle and it was almost an instantaneous improvement. Within 5 days of use of the product, applying it at least twice a day during that period, my skin problem was handled – the cracks were nearly gone, the skin on my finger tips began defoliating and it was incredible how soft and supple my hands have become. This product is great, makes your hands feel good and soft. It’s been years since my hands have been so smooth and feel so good.”

- Jim Streitzman

Extremely Painful Cracked Skin

“Like many other reviewers, I have struggled every winter with dry, cracked skin. I would get extremely painful cracks at the edge of my fingernails and on my fingertips that were so deep they would bleed. It became difficult to button or snap my clothes. I tried EVERYTHING over the years. Every kind of cream, lotion, oil, etc. I would smear all these various concoctions on my hands at night and cover them with white cotton gloves while I slept (my husband dubbed me “Minnie Mouse”). Absolutely nothing worked. While researching–yet again–what I might do to alleviate this painful condition, I found a mention of Gloves In a Bottle. Trust me, I was very skeptical as I had been disappointed so many times, but desperation won. I purchased my first bottle and am amazed at how quickly it has healed the cracks on my hands. Within a few days, all were almost gone and no new ones have developed. I do not put it on every four hours as indicated on the bottle but always do it at least morning and night and other times as I think of it. I have now ordered two more bottles and a small one to carry in my purse. I am a believer!”

- Merry Little

Cracked Skin

“Just wanted to let you know that your product is great. I was having a very difficult time with dry skin. Due to the onset of some physical problems my skin felt cracked and looked horrible. I heard about your product though a friend, I have had much relief and my skin feels great. Thank you for this product.”

- Hope Trevino

Infection Control RN

“Due to the high volume of hand washing RNs perform, we needed a product to protect our hands, yet would allow us to continue frequent hand sanitation. Gloves In A Bottle is getting rave reviews from our RNs! Gloves in a bottle is light, fast drying and provides the protection we need. Awesome product!”

- Tatiana Petrovskya

Dermatologist Approved

Gloves In A Bottle is vegan, dermatology tested and prescribed, hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic (will not clog pores), cruelty free, and every ingredient is on the FDA's most safe list. Through a series of clinical studies conducted by independent laboratories and hospitals, it has been shown to be so safe that it is approved for all staff use in hospitals, even in operating rooms.

100% Free From

Gloves In A Bottle is 100% free from all parabens, phthalates, triclosan, sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), formaldehyde, toluene, propylene glycol, salicylates, gluten, latex, dairy, wheat, soy, peas, corn, animal products, animal testing, added fragrance, colorants, peanuts, and all other nuts.

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