Gardeners – Gloves In A Bottle

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Gardening is such a therapeutic pastime for so many. And for others, it’s a full-time profession. Either way, when gardening, your hands are your most important tools and almost all gardeners will have a few different pairs of gardening gloves in their tool belt. Gardening gloves are essential for most gardeners, as there are far too many sharp shrubs and thorns to protect our hands from. Also, they offer a nice grip for the tougher jobs like pulling weeds and breaking up mulch. However, they take away from the wholesome and natural experience of feeling soil run through your hands, getting the dirt in your nails, and holding a beautiful perennial in your hands.

Gardening gloves are important, yes, and certainly offer a great first line of defense, however, now you can say good-bye to gardening gloves by using a barrier hand cream for gardeners, such as Gloves In A Bottle. By providing a non-greasy and lightweight coverage across the surface of your hands, you are essentially wearing a glove-like invisible shield that will protect your hands from harmful plant products and also from plant irritants found in Geraniums and Daffodils. Your hands will no longer be stained from the strong color of Lily pollen.

gardener testimonial

Being fragrance-free, dye-free and free from pretty much any harmful chemical, you will feel safe knowing that all you smell are the beautiful flowers in your garden.


Here are some tips for when to use your barrier cream:


Breaking up soil in your hands without worrying about the dirty stained fingers. Using rakes or shovels that can cause blisters will now be a thing of the past with Gloves In A Bottle. Using plant products like fertilizers that may come in contact with your hands will also be an important time to apply Gloves In A Bottle as it does not allow your skin to absorb these harmful chemicals (or the horrid stench).


Gardener, Brian Desmonds says “Works well when I dig with my hands in the garden without gloves, and has kept my hands softer than usual which I cannot complain about either.”

Real Testimonials

Great for Gardeners!

"I first tried this product when I received it as a sample from the Home Gardening Club of which I am a lifetime member. As a gardener and as a person who performs the usual household chores (such as dishes) I tend to get dry skin (also in a dry climate) as I can not work in gloves. This product is GREAT for preventing the dryness that comes with such everyday activities. It also makes it SOOO easy to wash off dirt. The dirt does not get stuck under the fingernails. I have even taken to putting it on my feet when out playing in the summer and it helps protect my peticure! It really is a great product. And for those that find the feeling “yucky” all I can say is the feeling goes away and far outweighs the initial feeling. You will eventually feel your skin become supple and soft…and yes…protected. The point is that it PROTECTS from outside chores and daily hazards to your skin."

- Sam Reilsman

Gardeners, Plumbers, Auto Mechanics

"People who work with their hands – plumbers, auto mechanics, gardeners – will appreciate Gloves In A Bottle.

This stuff actually works! For gardeners, those cracks around the thumb are gone. And I’ve found using it on my forearms gives almost complete protection against dermatitis that used to result from working in juniper bushes. Washing up is quicker, easier and more effective, even after doing greasy jobs such as engine work. Not to wax too enthusiastic, but I’ve rarely found a product that delivers more than it promises.

This is the first summer I have had smooth “garden hands”. This product is wonderful and I use it every day. My fingernails no longer dry out and break or split. I really enjoy using your product. The day it came I slathered my arms and hands up and bravely went into the grocery store. I put the basked on my arm and hooked it to my elbow. By the time I had finished shopping I had a rash that ran from my elbow up. I realized I had applied Gloves In A Bottle up to my elbow and where I had applied it I was ok. I also found out my gym’s shaving cream in their showers has nut oils. Also, your prompt delivery and friendly service are greatly appreciated!”

- David Kline

Great Useful and True Product

"Hi. As a gardener, rancher and office hands get so dry. Dish washing, dirt and mostly all the daily paper work …paper sucks the oils right out of you skin. I have cracked skin.

I have tried lots of lotions and gloves and still dried out hands.

Your product was recommended to me by the dermatologist. I thought okay I will try it but it won’t work.

Wow gloves in a bottle is amazing. I got so excited I shared some with another rancher and a week later i asked him if he used it and he was. He was so happy about it also. Mainly for the grease washing off easily after working on the farm equipment. But also his hands were not as cracked and dry.

Thank you a great useful and true product. It does what you say it does.

- Crystal Hathaway

Your Product Has Saved My Life!

“FINALLY a product that works and saved my hands!!!

I was at my pharmacy having my pharmacist help me look for latex-free bandages so I could cover the deep crack in my thumb that I have had for over a month. Every bandage they had (Band-Aid, Curad, Nexcare, ValueRight and a couple more brands) used latex and with my severe allergy, my skin comes off the bandage so I was out of luck until she found a brand that is latex-free and ordered it in for me. In the mean time she gave me the small bottle of Gloves In A Bottle to try.

WOW!!! I used it before I went to bed Thursday night and when I woke up Friday morning that deep crack in the middle of my thumb that was bleeding the day before – was almost totally healed! I stopped in on my way to work and showed my pharmacist – she couldn’t believe it either!!! I’m now using it about 3 times a day (it’s Saturday and she gave me the bottle on Thursday) and that deep crack… all but GONE!!! One more day and it will be! What an amazing product! The pharmacy is ordering some in or if I can’t want I’m going to order directly from your website!

I have tried everything – Triple-antibiotic ointment, pure Cocoa Butter, Corn Huskers, Vaseline’s Waterproof hand lotion, Neutrogena’s Norwegian Formula Hand Cream, a hand cream for gardeners, Nu-Skin, Liquid Band-Aid, super glue dipped in baking soda (my boyfriend’s father’s fix – IT MADE IT WORSE because it killed and dried all the skin it touched!) – just to name a few – and NEVER have I gotten anything even close to the healing I got with JUST ONE USE!!!!! As I said – what an AMAZING PRODUCT!!! And no latex allergic reaction!!!

Your product has saved my life! I’m only 32 and my hands look like I’m at least 70 from the finger and knuckle cracks and the general dryness all over. I CAN NOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR Gloves In A Bottle!!!!!! “

- Denise L. Carey

Great Skin Solution for Outdoor Pursuits

"Gloves In A Bottle is a shielding lotion, for use ANYWHERE on the body. It bonds with the outer layer of skin cells to give them integrity, so it retains moisture and oils in the skin while offering a shielding property which protects from the elements that interfere with the skin’s condition. It doesn’t wash off! Instead, it comes off with natural exfoliation of the skin layers and therefore remains effective for several hours.

Because this protective layer locks in moisture, it allows the condition of dry/damaged skin to be restored naturally and very effectively! It helps to relieve eczema, psoriasis, it’s also used in diabetic care, and it prevents blistering in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

The shielding property prevents skin allergies, dermatitis and skin irritations including resisting poisonous plants and shrubs. It is used across a huge number of industries to protect the skin – from constant hand-washing / sanitizing, handling cleaning products, solvents, paints and thinners, or just to make it easier to clean up after working because paint, oil and grime will wash off the skin more readily.

In winter sales will soar because of the prevalence of dry skin conditions.

In summer, its also great for healing big bites, reducing skin-pealing after sunburn, and with the new SPF formula it makes a great skin solution for outdoor pursuits."

- Adrian Ramon

Great Useful and True Product

"Hi. As a gardener, rancher and office hands get so dry. Dish washing, dirt and mostly all the daily paper work …paper sucks the oils right out of you skin. I have cracked skin.

I have tried lots of lotions and gloves and still dried out hands.

Your product was recommended to me by the dermatologist. I thought okay I will try it but it won’t work.

Wow gloves in a bottle is amazing. I got so excited I shared some with another rancher and a week later i asked him if he used it and he was. He was so happy about it also. Mainly for the grease washing off easily after working on the farm equipment. But also his hands were not as cracked and dry.

Thank you a great useful and true product. It does what you say it does."

- Crystal Tackman

Dermatologist Approved

Gloves In A Bottle is vegan, dermatology tested and prescribed, hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic (will not clog pores), cruelty free, and every ingredient is on the FDA's most safe list. Through a series of clinical studies conducted by independent laboratories and hospitals, it has been shown to be so safe that it is approved for all staff use in hospitals, even in operating rooms.

100% Free From

Gloves In A Bottle is 100% free from all parabens, phthalates, triclosan, sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), formaldehyde, toluene, propylene glycol, salicylates, gluten, latex, dairy, wheat, soy, peas, corn, animal products, animal testing, added fragrance, colorants, peanuts, and all other nuts.

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