Why Should We Not Forget Sunscreen for Hands?
When summer’s here, we can almost feel the sand between our toes and we can smell that tropical freshness of sunscreen. We know we need to protect our skin from the sun and its UV rays and the store shelves are stocked with so many different sunscreen brands to choose from. We lather up our faces, our arms, our legs, our shoulders...but what about sunscreen for hands?
What’s on Show?
When we think about it, we are so protective about the skin on our face because we know it’s the skin that everyone will see. We can’t hide our face. It’s often our first impression when it comes to skin care and that’s why we take our facial skin care so seriously.
There is a reason why facial skincare with SPF built right into it is such big business!
However, there is another part of our body that is almost always on show and doesn’t get half the effort and protection it deserves - our hands.
Think about it. Except in the dead of winter when your hands might be decked out in gloves, your hands are out there for all the world to see. Unless they are hiding in your pocket, the sun will find them!
The Effect of the Sun on Our Skin
While we think of the sun as the glorious donor of a much sought after tan, the downsides to the sun’s UV rays far outweigh having a summer glow. Just think about what sun exposure can do to our skin and what it can cause:
- Skin discoloration and age spots
- Wrinkles
- Premature skin ageing
- Burns and skin damage
- Decreased immunity to infection¹
- Skin cancer and melanoma¹
We wouldn’t want any of these on our face so why do we risk getting them on our hands?
Make Sunscreen for Your Hands a Priority
Because we often forget about our hands when it comes to sun protection, they have a tendency to age faster and suffer more skin-related damage. Hands are also very susceptible to sun spots and skin cancer, so all the more reason to protect them from the sun.
From a handshake to a hug, we want our hands to be in the best health possible so that they can be a source of confidence and not worry. What you need is to make sure that your daily hand moisturizer will not only help hydrate and moisturize your skin, but will also help protect it from the damaging UV rays.
Gloves In A Bottle Hand Shielding Lotion with SPF takes care of all of that, leaving your hands healthy and protected. With SPF 15 built right into it, your hands will start to look and feel younger, healthier and won’t give your age away! The best part is that you don’t need to reapply every time you wash your hands because Gloves in a Bottle lasts 4-12 hours with every application and only comes off with the natural exfoliation of your skin.
Want healthier, protected and worry-free hands? It’s time to make sunscreen for hands a priority!
¹ https://www.verywellhealth.com/effects-of-sun-on-the-skin-1068724