The Best Gloves for Your Hands This Winter

The Best Gloves for Your Hands This Winter

The extreme weather of the winter months can take a heavy toll on your skin. According to the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) figures, 81 million Americans all across the country will be looking for relief from dry, itchy skin this winter. “Winter weather is one of the main causes of dry, itchy skin,” says Dr. Peter Helton, a board-certified dermatologist from Southern California. “The low humidity that occurs as a result of indoor heating can wreak havoc on your skin’s ability to stay moisturized.” In the colder parts of the country the number of people suffering from dry skin rises dramatically. “Most people in our area suffer from dry skin in the winter,” comments Dr. Brian Zogg, a dermatologist who has a clinic in Minnesota. “Our harsh winter conditions can cause severe dry skin problems.” These dry skin conditions are aggravated by everyday activities – most soaps and cleansers contain fragrances, colorants, antibacterial agents and other ingredients that strip away the protective elements of the outer layer of your skin. The traditional prescription for treating dry skin has been a cream or lotion with moisturizers in it, in an attempt to replace the lost moisture and oils in the skin. However, new research has revealed that this may in fact be sending your skin the wrong message. Daily use of conventional lotions can cause your skin to produce less natural moisture where it is really needed – below the outer layer of skin. And this is the only place moisture can resolve a dry skin condition. “When the skin gets this wrong message from artificial moisturizers, it can make it more difficult for the skin to heal,” says Dr. Zogg. Research into this problem has produced a completely new type of lotion, called a shielding lotion, that’s getting remarkable results. Dr. Lisa Benest, a board certified dermatologist in Southern California explains why shielding lotions are superior to artificial moisturizers: “A shielding lotion is a lotion that provides a natural barrier on top of the skin to protect it from outside chemicals and irritants. In addition it also acts to keep the moisture and the oils in the skin, so that the skin can heal itself. Shielding lotions not only protect the skin’s barrier but they restore the moisture to the skin and allow the skin to continue to moisturize itself, so that your skin does not become addicted on the moisturizer and ultimately cures the dry skin.”
Shielding lotions don’t wash or rub off,” agrees Dr. Zogg. “Because a shielding lotion stays on and protects the skin it’s a very effective treatment for the dry skin conditions we see here in the winter months.”
Shielding lotions such as Gloves In A Bottle are available in the US and Canada at over 9,500 pharmacies and over 3,000 specialty shops. For more info call 800-600-1881, or visit
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