What is Dermatitis?
Is Dermatitis hurting your Salon? Every day your average hairstylist is at risk for contracting any variant of Dermatitis. Did you know that 61 percent of practicing hairstylists and 59 percent of student hairstylists have experienced some form of skin problem on their hands? Dermatitis is a skin disorder commonly caused by contact with an allergen or irritant which creates sometimes debilitating side effects. In the conditions they have to work in their affliction will not easily heal. For some individuals who have Dermatitis it will get so bad that they have to give up their practice, “I struggled on trying every treatment under the sun to try and calm the eczema but it just got worse and worse. But the end came when my fingers swelled and cracked so much that I could no longer hold a scalpel and eventually I had to admit defeat.” Dr Christine Hubbard, former General Surgeon. In the Hair Care industry this ailment is commonly contracted through frequent exposure to liquid formulae; Detergents, hair dyes and water, physical irritants; and even hot air, and prolonged glove wearing.
How bad is Dermatitis?
If you have ever contracted Dermatitis you know of the burden it quickly becomes. Much like when you work out after a long break, and wonder how you never knew you had a muscle there; You never realize how much you use a certain part of your body until it’s aggravated (Your skin is important people!). Often these antigens cause redness (erythema), blisters that are small (vesicles) or large (bullae), swelling (oedema), dryness or scaling, pigmentation and more. These symptoms are only phase one, and can turn into an infection if left untreated. Rough skin getting irritated by strands of hair heated by a blow dryer? No thank you, I’d rather not!
What is Contact Dermatitis?
One common variant of Dermatitis is called, Contact Dermatitis (Also called Contact Eczema) and is a commonly contracted from rubbing your skin on an allergen or irritant; This can range from clothing, latex gloves, hair product; including bleach, detergents, or as aforementioned hair dye! disrupting your skin’s natural barrier against outside offenders. Although many things cause this skin disorder, the most common cause of Contact Dermatitis in the haircare industry is our friend – Water! Think about it, how many times a day do you find your hands submerged in water? Washing your hands, rinsing food, washing your client’s hair…, although it would seem opposite, consistent hand washing dries out your hands due to over-hydration and creates cracks in the skin that allows dirt, irritants, and harmful allergens in. The reactions caused by exposure to any of those antagonists include: A red rash, itching; which may be severe, Dry, cracked, scaly skin, Bumps and blisters; sometimes with oozing and crusting, Swelling, burning or tenderness. According to Marie Ann Chambers, a former Naval Officer, who contracted Dermatitis from a spider bite, had this to say, “I got dermatitis from a spider bite on my right calf. I wanted to claw my skin off. Tight painful skin, hot to the touch…, I couldn’t exercise (which was cool, I hated exercise but I was in the Navy so they were tsking). I also lost sleep a couple nights because it was ITCHY, and I felt like I had to claw at my leg. Walking was aggravating because the feel of dungaree bell bottoms (navy uniform back then)”
From countless testimonies of people whose hands have been nearly destroyed by their craft, Gloves in a Bottle has been considered a successful healant that will give your hands a silky-smooth feeling they have yet to experience!
“My hands have been destroyed with the bleach water, continuously washing dishes and exposure to the heat of the fryer and hot case ,…, My third day and true test of ‘Gloves in a bottle’ was my day of work yesterday. The open sore on my thumb is not tender, almost completely closed and healing quite nicely this morning. All dry patches are gone.”
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