Dry Skin Is Often Caused by Our Skin Care Products – Even Those Design – Gloves In A Bottle

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Dry Skin Is Often Caused by Our Skin Care Products – Even Those Designed for Dry Skin

Katya Sobol

The best way to improve the condition of the body is to enable it to heal itself. After all, many diseases and illnesses could have been prevented had the body’s own defenses been up to the task of tackling the invader causing the problem. To an extent, this is true even of degeneration – while some degeneration is natural, when you see a 40-year-old who looks 60 and a 60-year-old who looks 40, you know something other than nature is at play. This is true of all parts of the body, but nowhere it is more evident than with the skin. Often, preventing and treating the skin’s degeneration starts with dry skin care treatment. Many people try to handle dry skin with traditional moisturizers, creams and lotions that usually only coat the skin with something that feels good to the touch, and sometimes even makes you look better temporarily. But because these dry skin care products don’t do anything to address the body’s ability to heal itself, the skin doesn’t get better over the years. In fact, it might even get worse: as the dry skin problem accelerates, it can develop into eczema and dermatitis.

How does one enable dry skin to heal itself? It’s actually pretty simple. The secret is three-fold.

First, get healthy.Eat natural foods with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, dairy, fish and meat. If you’re on a weight loss diet that recommends low-fat products like margarines, low-fat milk, low-fat salad dressings and so on, consider switching back to butter, whole milk, and healthy salad dressing bases like olive and coconut oils. While it’s true that ‘unhealthy’ fat it bad for you, not enough ‘healthy’ fat is equally bad. The body needs healthy fat to absorb nutrients and to function normally. In fact, healthy fat will even help you lose weight. And they are pivotal in preventing and treating dry skin. Getting healthy also has to include exercise. Our bodies were built to move. “Use it or lose it” is an appropriate expression to describe what happens to our bodies when we spend our lives on the couch. You may not die from lack of exercise, although exercise has saved many a life, but you won’t get the use or enjoyment out of your body that you could either. Second, help the skin retain its natural moisture and, third, protect it from the environmental and household chemicals that cause dry skin. Step two and three can be accomplished with one product – a good shielding lotion. Here’s what Dr. Rozalia Kovelman, a board certified dermatologist in West Hollywood, California has to say about shielding lotion.Step two and three can be accomplished with one product – a good shielding lotion. Here’s what Dr. Rozalia Kovelman, a board certified dermatologist in West Hollywood, California has to say about shielding lotion. “This is more than just a beauty product. Since it works with the body’s own defenses, it also addresses common dermatological health problems. My patients have reported very good experiences using the product. Some patients have had hyperkeratosis, psoriasis and eczema. We have seen it clear up the redness, soreness and cracking. “ If you want to prevent degeneration, natural or otherwise, start focusing on preventing and treating dry skin – get healthy, and don’t forget the shielding lotion.

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